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Getting started
Charging lipo batteries done properly is a safe and easy task. Charging improperly can have various outcomes such as fires and explosions.
1. Turn on your charger
2. Plug the yellow XT60 connector of the battery into the yellow XT60 connector of the charger.
3. Plug the white balance lead of the battery into the respective balance port of the charger (6s balance lead into 6s port, 4s lead into 4s port).

4. In the charger menu, make sure you have selected the right charging mode "LIPO" and also make sure you are balance charging.
5. Make sure you have selected the correct amps that your battery charges at, 1c is recommended (1300mah lipo at 1.3amps, 1100mah lipo at 1.1amps).
6. Make sure that you have the correct cell ending voltage selected (4.2 volts).
I also recommend reading this article to gain knowledge on how to take proper care of lipo batteries.
Installing propellors
Propellor installation seems like a simple task, and it is as long as you follow the simple rules.
1. Remove the motor nut with the included propellor tool.
2. Place the CW propellor on the CW motor and CCW propellor on the CCW motor. It is important this is done correctly, improper propellor installation can cause the drone to flip out when taking off causing damage to the drone and everything around it. If you do not know which propellor is which, please refer to the tips below.
3. Tighten the propellor onto the motor using the propellor tightening tool included in the box. (Easiest propellor tightening grip shown below)

4. The tighter you can install the propellor, the better. In other words tighten it until you cant anymore.
If you look closely, you will notice that 2 of the 4 propellors have a "R" or a "CW" on them. The other 2 propellors will either have no letters or a "CCW" on them.

The propellors with a "R" or a "CW" on them go on these motors shown below.

The propellors without a "R" or propellors with a "CCW" on them go on these motors shown below.

You will know it is tight enough by seeing that there is no gap between the propellor and motor bell and motor nut. You also wont be able to tighten it anymore.
Controller setup
This setup will be for the Betafpv Literadio 2 included withe the RTF kit.
1. To turn on the controller, simply press and hold the power button until the controller vibrates.
2. To turn off the controller, simply press and hold the power button until the controller vibrates.
On the back of the controller, there is a bind and setup button. Do not press these buttons as it will reset the controller and you will have to rebind it to the drone.

On the top of the controller, there will be 4 switches. The SA switch is to arm the drone. The SB switch is to change the mode of the drone between angle mode (farthest back position), horizon mode (middle position), and acro mode (farthest forward position). The SD switch is to enable the lost model beeper. If you crash the drone and you cant find it, you can flip the SD switch which will make the drone beep which can make it easier to find. The SC switch is blank and is not set to do anything.

On the bottom of the controller, there is a micro usb port. This is used to charge the controller and also use it as a controller for a simulator. You will need to charge the controller when the LED is flashing blue indicating that there is low battery.

Flight modes
Change the flight characteristics.
The SB switch on your controller will change the mode of the drone between angle mode (farthest back position), horizon mode (middle position), and acro mode (farthest forward position).
Angle mode: This mode lets you fly with an angle limit and auto level function. This mode is best for beginners to practice.
Horizon mode: This mode lets you fly with only the self leveling function.
Acro mode: This mode gives the pilot full manual control over the drone. This mode is best used after practicing with angle or horizon mode.
Goggles setup
This setup will be for the Betafpv goggles included with the RTF kit.
1. To turn on the goggles, simply press and hold the power button until the screen turns on.
2. To turn off the goggles, simply press and hold the power button until the screen turns off.
Before your first flight with goggles, you will have to install the head band included in the box. You will also have to install the antennas included in the box.

On the top of the goggles there is a micro usb port, sd card slot, recording button, band+ button, and CH+ button. The micro usb port is for charging the goggles. You should charge the goggles when the battery indicator light is red. You can also insert a sd card into the goggles to record your flight. Once your sd card is inserted, you can press and hold the recording button until the recording indicator is lit. This will start your recording. The drone will be set to Race Band on Channel 5. The goggles will also be set to this out of the box. If for some reason you need to change the band or channel, you can use the band+ and CH+ button to do so.

Battery installation
Installing the battery onto the drone.
1. Place the battery onto the drone as shown below.


2. Tighten the battery strap as hard as you can.
3. Plug the yellow XT60 connector of the battery into the yellow XT60 connector of the drone.
Pre flight check list
To ensure safety, go through this checklist before flying.
1. Turn the controller on.
2. Turn the goggles on (unless you are doing Line of Sight flying).
3. Install the battery as shown above.
4. Place the drone on the ground away from any objects.
5. Make sure the propellors will not bump into anything when spinning.
6. Stand 10 feet away from the drone.
7. Make sure there are no people near by.
Lift off
Taking off for the first time.
1. Go through the preflight check list.
2. Make sure the throttle stick is all the way lowered.
3. Flip the arm switch on the controller.
4. Slowly raise the throttle until the drone takes off.
5. Enjoy the flight!!
Landing for the first time.
1. Bring the drone to a stable hover.
2. Slowly lower the throttle until the drone is 1 inch off the ground.
3. Flip the arm switch into the off position.
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